
Readers respond

AT ISSUE: We asked readers what Costa Mesa leaders should spend the

city’s budget surplus on this year.

As a member of Costa Mesa’s Fairview Park Committee, I feel obligated to

suggest that Fairview Park receive a share of the city budget surplus

(“Costa Mesa is predicting $1.6-million budget surplus,” Jan. 14).

As a citizen of Costa Mesa, I am proud of City Manager Allan L. Roeder

and the City Council for putting our city in this enviable position.


Costa Mesa

The roads in Costa Mesa are appalling. They need repair--permanent

repair, not just recoating. The rest of the money ... should be returned

to the taxpayers.


Costa Mesa

It would be nice to start fixing some of the roads, which are getting

pretty bad, especially in the Mesa Verde area where I live. Some of the

roads are really bad.


Costa Mesa

I would like to see the city fix Pomona Street between Victoria and

Wilson streets. They did Pomona between Victoria and 19th streets, but

they never did the little short end between Wilson and Victoria, and it

is full of potholes.

I notice that they are constantly fixing Mesa Verde and some of the other

streets in the wealthier parts of town. So it would be kind of nice if

they would fix that street. Also, all of the little side streets along

there and the sidewalk in that residential section are all bumped up and

in really bad shape. It would be nice if they could fix those sidewalks

in our section of town.


Costa Mesa

I think it would be a wonderful idea to pave those few dirt alleys on the

east side of Costa Mesa. Those alleys are a hazard for everybody. People

are drag racing at all times of the day through them. A nighttime, at

several locations those speeders almost killed members of my family and

pet because they race through there. It also is very dark there. In the

summer, they are a dust bowl and in the rainy season we could really ruin

our boats in our alley. So paving them would really help beautify it and

make the neighborhood much safer for everybody. That might be a nice idea

for good use for that money.


Costa Mesa

My wish would be for the city buy Balearic Park. I walked the other day

with my two kids and had all the residents that I could get sign a

petition. Nobody wants to see it go. I believe the city should buy it.

You would not see Newport Beach or Irvine giving up their parks and

selling it to anyone else. They always make sure that they have plenty of

parks for their neighbors and their community.

I also would like to see Little League fields built for kids because

Costa Mesa is turning around with all new young families moving back in.

My husband and I both grew up in Mesa Verde and we have several friends

that are moving back in, and everyone has young kids. We don’t want to

see a park go because the city says they can’t afford it. They should buy



Costa Mesa

I would like the city deal with the absence of sidewalks in many of our

neighborhoods. As one walks throughout the east side of Costa Mesa, where

I live, there are many patches of grass and bushes where there should be

sidewalks. it forces many joggers, walkers and senior citizens to use the

street, which at times is very dangerous. Please complete the sidewalks

in the city before undertaking new projects.


Costa Mesa

I live in the College Park area and I feel that the city needs to fix our

streets badly. We have a lot of roads around the College Park area that

are literally disintegrating. I don’t understand why they haven’t

bothered to fix them. They came through and fixed the sidewalks years

ago, but the roads are still a mess.


Costa Mesa

I think some of the budget surplus should be put away for emergencies

that may arise in the future, such as an earthquake, fire or floods.

Let’s not spend all of the budget; let’s put some of it away.


Costa Mesa
