
Huntington Beach surfers wrap up league title early

The Huntington Beach High surf team put a punctuation mark on a

decade of dominance by beating both Edison and Fountain Valley in the

past week to lay claim to yet another Sunset League championship.

By winning the 1999 crown, the Oilers now have won 10 consecutive league

titles since 1989.

Huntington dominated both meets with the Chargers and Barons, with senior

captain Micah Bryne leading the way as the Oilers improved to 9-0 on the


‘This was a solid solid as we’ve had this season,’ said

Huntington Coach Andy Verdone, has won a league title in all but one

(1989) of his 13 years as head coach. ‘We did really well in all areas.

This was a really good team victory.’

Team points are accumulated after competition has taken place in boys,

girls, bodyboarding, and longboarding competitions.

The Oiler boys are comprised of Byrne, Chris Fowler, Adam Craven, Mark

Garman, Shaun Ward, Eric Coffee, Justin Brescia, Jon Gorak, Michael

Nitti, Ryan Rosche, Brad Ettinger, and Brandon Long.

Oilers competing in the girls competition include Angie Rivera, Heather

Corcoran, and Cheryl Downey. The three longboarders are Steve Baldi,

Barrett Huntsman, and Nick Kabiri, and John Giffin, Jon Dalley, and Ryan

Ward competed in the longboard competition.

Next up for the Huntington Beach surf team is the State finals, which

will be held in February.
