
Clock’s ticking

Roger Carlson

The Daily Pilot’s Sports Hall of Fame, not only the world’s

largest, but the world’s best, is in its 12th month of publication, and

with the roll of 1,003 due to be published Jan. 1, it seems appropriate

that our readers be appraised of the situation one last time.

Right now we’re at No. 286 in terms of individual stories published,

and on New Year’s Day, we should be at No. 314.

The entire list of this storied 1,003 will be published then, but the

daily individual stories will continue on for the next two years or so.

With still 689 stories to go, it’s going to take a while before we can

produce all of them.

That’s the goal, and no matter what the effort, perhaps unattainable.

We already have a couple of Newport Harbor products who seem to have

disappeared from the planet, although we know they’re somewhere, and just

maybe they’ll surface.

Nothing, however, will take away from the Jan. 1 Honor Roll.

And once again I would like to emphasize, there is no order. There is

no No. 1, or Top 100.

It’s an alphabetical roster of Sailors, and Mustangs, of Sea Kings and

Eagles, as well as a number of others, including imports, who have graced

these beaches, but as for the publication of indivudual stories, as

you’ve already probably surmised, you’ll have a hard time figuring out

who’s next.

As stated before, the only item set in stone for this grand list is

the A-Z factor, starting with Al (A for Al) Irwin and ending with George

Yardley (almost Z)

It’s just about ready for the Jan. 1 extravaganza, but it’s still soft

enough to allow a last-minute change for that blue chip that falls

through the cracks sometime between now and Christmas.

So help me out. Have you seen your favorite’s story yet? Drop me a

note with your candidate and a brief description (and the subject’s phone

number if you have it).

Chances are your favorite’s already on the back of my door, and maybe

that’s all that we’re looking for, the phone number.

And should the publication of this grand Dream Team not include your

choice, keep in mind, this won’t be the end of it. With each year,

beginning sometime in 2002 or so, a new class of the Fabulous 52, or

something, coming once a week. At least that’s Plan A.

So, don’t be bashful. The world’s greatest Sports Hall of Fame can’t

afford it.
