
Customers line up for Star attraction

Noaki Schwartz

COSTA MESA -- While the after-Thanksgiving sales couldn’t tempt them,

owning the latest Star Lounge compact disc was reason enough to wake up

at the crack of dawn for many waiting in the line that snaked around the

outside of the Virgin Megastore on Sunday.

Salespeople who opened the door at 9 a.m. said there were already many

eager customers waiting to get their hands on the new compilation disc

from KYSR-FM, a radio station better known as Star 98.7, which has

produced the compilation discs for the last few years.

This year’s edition features live recordings from the Goo Goo Dolls,

Sarah McLachlan, Tori Amos and other popular artists. Proceeds from the

sales go to the Starlight Children’s Foundation, VH-1 Save the Music and

Victory Over Violence charities.

The annual disc, which has grown in popularity, was in such high demand

this year that to control the crowds, Virgin locked all its doors,

leaving just one entrance open. A police car also showed up to ensure the

eager music fans stayed in orderly lines.

And for good reason -- as the hours wore on, customers became

increasingly agitated with the slow service.

“They only have a few people selling them,” complained Helen Sacchette,

who waited about five hours to buy a disc for her son. She was

disappointed that she wouldn’t be able to also buy one for herself.

As the albums disappeared, Virgin began to limit the number of discs

customers could buy. By about noon, the buying limit had decreased from

10 discs to one per person.

“Is it worth it? I don’t know -- I haven’t heard it yet,” said Teri

Aultman, adding she had never waited for anything so long in her life.

Last year, when Virgin opened at midnight to sell the disc, Aultman said

it was much more organized.

“I’ve decided that I’m not coming back here to buy anything ever again,”

Sacchette said, disappointed at the poor customer service.

Store employees expected to run out of the compact discs by about 3 p.m.

“If I do get one, it will be a good surprise for my girlfriend, if not --

oh well,” said John Moriarty, who was last in line.
