
Countdown to 2000: 1950s at a glance


- Population: 17,320

- Large, one-bedroom duplex...$45 per month

- Two-bedroom home on half-acre lot...$5,500

- Costa Mesa directory...50 cents

- First shopping center built on 17th Street and Orange Avenue in 1951

- Residents voted to incorporate the city in 1953

Five council members were elected; they were:- Claire Nelson

- Bruce Martin

- Charles TeWinkle (chosen Mayor)

- Bert Smith

- Walter MillerFirst City Hall employees:

- Margaret Murray

- Peggy Peterman

- Tommie Flanagan

- Ethel Nuzum

- Dorothy Ellis

- Finance Director, Ray Hartzler

- A.J. Volz

- George Coffey, city manager

- Arthur McKenzie, police chief; three police officers

-- City seal was designed and adopted; Costa Mesa’s motto, “Hub of the

Harbor Area’ in 1953

-- City’s fire department was organized; the first paid fire chief and

six full-time firemen were hired in 1954NEWPORT BEACH

- Population: 18,589- Lido Isle apartment, beautifully furnished,

garage...$70 per month

- Westcliff Homes...$28,800


-”Freeway details told”

-”Here’s the new ’51 Dodge”

-”Fighting polio”

-”Dick Richard asks Nixon to help on price controls”

-”Larry Hayne gets air controlling job in Korean War”

-”OCC students send sewing machines to island natives”

-”11 Costa Mesans face draft in February”

-”Investigate alleged Communist activity”

-”Trustees set Feb. 25 date of bond vote”

-”Sewers to be installed in Santa Ana Heights Westside”

-”Newport Beach schools study new plan for rating teachers’ work”

-”Hoag Hospital’s bid for expansion almost ready”

SOURCES:”The Story of Costa Mesa: The Estancia,” Thomas A. Barr

The Costa Mesa Globe-Herald
