

Kindergartners at Newport Heights Elementary School in Newport Beach

shared with us their favorite part of holiday meals.

Here’s what they had to say:

“Turkey, because it’s good. I have five helpings. I also like pumpkin pie

because it tastes good.”

-- Holly Hovnanian, 5, Newport Beach

“Turkey with gravy on it. I just like a little bit of gravy though. My

favorite part of the turkey to eat is the hand. I also like the skin.”

-- Sophia Evans, 6, Costa Mesa

“Mashed potatoes. I can eat 60 pieces. I put a lot of gravy on it. I also

like the turkey. I like the dark meat. I can eat about eight pieces. I

eat until I am stuffed.”

-- Matthew Searcy, 6, Newport Beach

“I like gravy and mashed potatoes, but I don’t like turkey. I just eat a

lot of mashed potatoes.”

-- Tiara Landrigan, 5 1/2, Newport Beach

“Turkey. I just eat a little bit. I eat a lot of mashed potatoes. I mush

the gravy and mashed potatoes together.”-- Hunter Durante, 5 1/2, Newport


“Food. I like the mashed potatoes. I can eat two handfuls. I don’t put

gravy on it. My brother hogs all of the gravy.”

-- Avery Jolliffe, 5, Newport Beach
