
READERS REPOND -- Bring back sounds of music, just keep it down

readers say

Should the city agree to enforce noise restrictions? Definitely. Let

the city take over. It’s about time somebody did. I live on Vanguard Way,

which is right across the street. For years, we used to hear beautiful

music. We don’t hear it anymore. Let’s bring it back. Let’s eliminate the

noise at 11 or 12. Let’s set a restriction. Let’s keep the entertainers

coming in. It’s a cow pasture now. We don’t need cow pastures, we need an

amphitheater with restrictions. After all, I live on Vanguard Way as I

said. I have helicopters flying over my head everyday. I’m in the flight

path of all the planes flying out from John Wayne Airport. It’s noise --

everybody hears it. I’d like to hear beautiful noise for a change. Bring

back the amphitheater. Run it like it’s supposed to be.


Costa Mesa

If the city of Costa Mesa can bring music back to the amphitheater by

agreeing to enforce the noise restrictions, by all means do so. We call

ourselves the “City of the Arts,” yet a venue similar to Irvine Meadows

or the Hollywood Bowl sits vacant and unused. Would the Mesa Del Mar

neighbors still complain if concerts ended by 11 p.m. and the [artists]

were middle of the road instead of heavy metal? Save us from driving to

the Hollywood Bowl. Let’s get our picnic baskets and champagne ready, or

will you have ruled against that, too?


Costa Mesa

I’m calling in response to the amphitheater article. I think they

ought to tear the amphitheater down. If not, the city should, or somebody

should, absolutely regulate it. Thank you.


Costa Mesa

If the city does nothing to help its citizens with regards to the

excessive noise that the Pacific Amphitheatre creates, how can we expect

the Orange County Fairgrounds to do anything? They would only benefit

from no enforcement of the noise restrictions. They claim to be a good

neighbor, yet they have decided to pursue their court-given right, not

their good neighbor right, to collect court costs of $46,0000 from two

local ladies. The OC Fairgrounds is only interested in doing what will

benefit them, they do not care about the citizens of Costa Mesa and so I

think the city of Costa Mesa should.


Newport Beach
