

In the 12 years that Don McInnis served on the Newport Beach City

Council, he made some changes.

Less than two months after he was elected mayor by fellow councilmen,

McInnis had restructured the entire council committee system and

converted council meetings from rambling dialogues to terse business

meetings.McInnis stepped down from that seat after serving three terms,

including a four-year stretch as mayor, saying he left with mixed


The 59-year-old businessman said he wanted to spend more time with his

family but conceded he would miss city politics.

Later in his career, McInnis, who opposed creation of the state Coastal

Commission and once urged the city to sue the state board, was named to

the powerful 12-member panel.

McInnis, 62, was only the second Orange County resident to be appointed

to the panel since its creation in 1972, commission officials said.
