William M. Wolf<br/>August 29, 1928 - April 25, 2015
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William Martin Wolf, Inventor, Software Programmer, and Mathematician of Newport Beach, California, died following a stroke on April 25 at the age of 86.
Born on August 29, 1928, in Watertown, New York, to Rose and John Wolf, Bill Wolf received a bachelor of science degree in physics from St. Lawrence University in 1950 and a master of science degree in mathematics from University of New Hampshire in 1951. He studied theoretical physics at University of Pennsylvania and pursued doctoral studies at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), before starting Computer Business Management, his first of many business ventures, in 1954.
Wolf had a formative role in modern computing, from the space race to the software industry. In the 1950s he worked on the prototype of the first U.S. air defense system at MIT’s Digital Computer Lab, and through his firm Wolf Research and Development he ran major contracts for the U.S. Army and NASA in the 1960s. In 1964, LIFE Magazine ran a feature article on him, calling him the “Young Wizard of Computers.”
Wolf published a memoir of his professional experiences, titled “No e”—a reference to the fact that people often misspelled his last name by adding an “e’ at the end. The book describes his early days using and later owning Whirlwind (the world’s second electronic computer, developed in partnership with MIT, IBM and DARPA), his many years running software firms, and his work helping shift computers from COBAL systems to Y2K compliant software at the turn of the century. In the 1980s Wolf served as one of the first CEOs for MITs Enterprise Forum. He is the recipient of three U.S. patents for programming techniques and an advanced sorting algorithm he developed in his 80s.
Wolf is remembered by family and friends for his sense of humor and his love of music. He was a gifted player of classical piano throughout his life. In 1952, Wolf married Eileen Marie Jolly of Homesburg, Pennsylvania. They raised three children, Rose Mary, Sylvia, and William. In recent years, Wolf has shared life and love with his high-school sweetheart, Vivian Cellini.
Wolf is survived by Ms. Cellini of Newport Beach, California; his son William John Wolf and daughter-in-law Allison of Arlington, VA; his daughter Sylvia Wolf and son-in-law Duane Schuler of Seattle, WA; his son-in-law David Osborne of Essex, MA (married to deceased daughter Dr. Rose Mary Osborne); nine grandchildren; and one great grandson.