
Church’s public art installation marks Good Friday in Costa Mesa

Charlene Ashendorf of Costa Mesa looks at a public art installation called "Stations in the Street" outside First United Methodist Church of Costa Mesa on Good Friday. Artist Scott Erickson created the representations of the Stations of the Cross.
(Kevin Chang / Staff Photographer)

First United Methodist Church of Costa Mesa marked Good Friday with a public art installation depicting the Stations of the Cross.

“Stations in the Street” — created by artist Scott Erickson — is a contemporary version of the Christian tradition in which people visit a series of paintings, plaques, carvings or other artworks that document different events on the day Jesus was crucified.

"Stations in the Street" was on display Friday at First United Methodist Church of Costa Mesa.
(Kevin Chang / Staff Photographer )

The First United display was in place from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday along 19th Street.

“We believe art has the power to go beyond the eyes to touch the heart,” the Rev. Sarah Heath said in a statement. “When we experience a familiar story through public art, it can open our hearts to seeing God and the world in fresh ways.”

First United Methodist Church member Sharon Canfield invited her neighbor Carlos Messerschmidt to view the public art installation "Stations in the Street" on Friday outside the Costa Mesa church.
(Kevin Chang / Staff Photographer )