
3 arrested in Costa Mesa probation sweep

Costa Mesa police arrested three men Tuesday during a sweep designed to ensure that people on probation in the city are obeying the terms of their release.

Officers checked on 11 probationers throughout Costa Mesa between 4 and 10 p.m. Eight were released under California’s prison realignment program.

Realignment, which began in 2011, is designed to ease the state’s prison crowding by releasing low-level, non-violent offenders and placing them under supervision of local officials.


Since the program began, Costa Mesa police have periodically partnered with the Orange County Probation Department to perform probation sweeps.

Among the men arrested Tuesday were a 69-year-old who police said had failed to register as a sex offender and a 52-year-old who authorities said was in possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia.

Officers did not identify any of the arrestees or describe the reason for the arrest of the third suspect, a 31-year-old.

— Jeremiah Dobruck

Twitter: @jeremiahdobruck
