
School district OKs raises for part-time nutrition service workers

Four part-time nutrition service employees will receive pay increases to coincide with greater responsibilities, the Laguna Beach Unified School District board voted Tuesday.

Trustees unanimously approved the pay increases and revised job descriptions and titles for two workers at the elementary level and two employees at the secondary level. Laguna Beach Unified has two elementary schools — Top of the World and El Morro — along with Thurston Middle School and Laguna Beach High School.

The pay for the two elementary school workers will increase from a range of $16.55 to $20.15 per hour to $17.37 to $21.19 per hour, and cost the district an extra $5,243 per year, according to a district staff report.


The salary for the two secondary school workers will increase from $17.37 to $21.19 per hour to $18.25 to $22.27 per hour, and cost the district an additional $3,551.

Employees’ hours vary from 3 1/2 to seven per day, said district human resources and communication director Leisa Winston.

The pay increases begin immediately, Winston said.

Job duties were also revised for other nutrition services staff members, but their pay did not change.


More development days

Laguna Beach teachers will have two more staff development days next year after the board of trustees Tuesday unanimously approved calendars for the 2014-15 and 2015-16 school years.

Students will have 181 instructional days and teachers will be under contract for 187 next year, including the added staff development days.

Students will start next school year the Tuesday after Labor Day, Sept. 2. Teachers and students will get the day before Thanksgiving off, as they did this year.

For the 2015-16 year, district administrators, teachers and students will get the Wednesday before Thanksgiving off.
