
Couple: Doctor branded uterus

A Laguna Beach gynecologist is being sued for allegedly branding a patient’s name on her uterus.

According to a lawsuit filed earlier this month in Orange County Superior Court, Dr. Red Alinsod used an electrocautery device to carve the patient’s name into the uterus.

It happened during a procedure to remove Ingrid Paulicivic’s uterus at the doctor’s Orange County office in 2006.


According to CNN, “Paulicivic complained to Alinsod about burns to her leg that she suffered during the operation. The doctor was looking at images that were taken during the operation, and the couple asked for copies.”

“Alinsod hesitated to give them the photos,” the couple’s attorney told CNN.

The doctor told the couple that he didn’t know how to copy the images, so the husband, who is a photographer, showed Alinsod how to move the images to a memory card, and the couple took them, CNN reports.

Later, the couple looked at the photos and were shocked to see “Ingrid” spelled out in inch-high letters on her uterus.

Alinsod is not commenting on the lawsuit.

But according to the Smoking Gun website, Alinsod claimed he engraved her name so he did not get her uterus confused with others.

According to Alinsod’s website, he formerly headed gynecologic services at George Air Force Base in California and Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada.
