
Briefly In Education

Preschool and Kindergarten school forum

The Laguna Beach Parents Club will sponsor a public Preschool and Kindergarten School Forum from 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, where they will provide a quick overview and offer insights on 10 local schools. A handout will be provided with additional information including application dates and phone directories. For more information and the meeting location, e-mail [email protected].


Laguna Beach High School students in grades 11 and 12 were recently given the opportunity to hear a presentation by Mothers Against Drunk Driving and hear keynote speaker Joan Brewer share her story about her son, Randy, who was killed after drinking and driving.

“I will do anything to spare a family from this kind of death and tragedy,” she told the students. “It is so needless and is 100% preventable.”

After the presentation, students visited the MADD Crash Car Exhibit in the LBUSD parking lot where high school staff, Laguna Beach Police Department and Laguna Beach Fire Department personnel were available to answer questions.


Asst. Principal Bob Billinger said Brewer’s speech and the exhibit reminded everyone how fragile life is when reckless choices are made.

At the optional assembly, the Artists’ Theatre was filled to capacity and an array of brightly colored “no-texting” thumb bands were worn by students who had signed a pledge to not text and drive. Associated Student Body students elected to participate in the driving safety program by posting facts about the hazards of driving while texting, making school announcements, and encouraging students to sign the no-texting-and-driving pledges.


Student of the Month

Student of the Month honors were recently bestowed upon Soraya Davia at the Laguna Beach Rotary Club’s luncheon meeting. She was accompanied by her instructor Rod Ortiz, who praised her for her efforts and accomplishments in the Spanish and French languages. In addition to a “superior” performance in all academics, Davia also makes time for playing the violin, reading, writing and playing golf. She said hopes to be accepted to Stanford soon. Claremont McKenna College is next highest on her list.


All American Boys open rehearsal

The All American Boys Chorus, a local nonprofit organization, will invite boys ages 8-10 and their parents to an open rehearsal from noon to 1:30 p.m. Jan. 29 to learn about its vocal music and leadership training program.

“The All American Boys Chorus wants to reach out to as many Orange County families as possible and welcomes boys from every community,” said Anthony Manrique, executive director of the AABC. “Boys in the AABC receive a superb music education, acquire leadership qualities, establish lifelong friendships and enjoy unique opportunities to travel the world.”

The organization, which has released five albums and performed to standing ovations in concerts worldwide, has provided boys with music and leadership training for 40 years. This summer the Chorus undertook an international concert tour that included performances in Malaysia, Singapore and Australia. In the summer of 2009, the chorus toured the Pacific Northwest and the Canadian provinces of British Columbia and Alberta.

The rehearsal will take place at the AABC Headquarters, 1055 Arlington Drive in Costa Mesa. For more information, call (714) 708-1670 or visit
