
O Fine Japanese Cuisine, Brandy Melville open

The Irvine Co. announced the opening of a new retail store and a restaurant at two of its Orange County shopping centers, according to separate news releases.

Brandy Melville, a women’s apparel line from Italy, recently opened its first Orange County location at Fashion Island near Nordstrom, according to a Fashion Island news release. The clothier is popular for its beachy, chic styles in soft comfortable fabrics, according to the release.

O Fine Japanese Cuisine opened its second Orange County location in the Quail Hill Village Center in Irvine last week, according to the Irvine Co.


The 4,000 square-foot restaurant features a 20-seat sushi bar and a 10-foot waterfall.

Through April 15, the restaurant is offering 20% a single menu item and will also donate 10% of proceeds to the American Red Cross’ Japanese Disaster Relief Fund to benefit victims of the earthquake and tsunami.

—Sarah Peters
