
‘Sex and the Knitty’ project knitting pretty

Did you like that red Chanel scarf Carrie Bradshaw wore in the first “Sex and the City” movie, as she stood on the front steps of her old New York apartment watching the rain fall?

Even if it’s out of your price range, having a version of it is possible when you’re into the SchTick.

Knit SchTick is a knitting store at 355 Bristol St. in Costa Mesa where longtime model and fashion insider Lauren Horwitz teaches women — and some men — how to knit.


Horwitz’s goal when she opened her store about a year ago was to teach women how to knit pieces that look just like the ones fashion designers reveal on the runways of Paris and New York.

And when she saw the Chanel scarf featured in the first “Sex and the City” movie, that got her thinking.

“My customers keep up with everything from politics to pop culture, and I thought that with this being such a big event in the fashion industry, it ties back to our store, which is very fashion forward, cutting edge and up to the minute,” Horwitz said. “So we started planning months ago to all knit the scarf together.”

And off they went, knitting their way to at least 30 scarfs just like that very expensive red one.

Although they kept the pattern, each picked her own color and the yarn she preferred.

The 30 women planned to wear their scarfs and head out on the town to watch “Sex and the City 2” at Edward’s Big Newport 6 movie theater at Fashion Island.

In the process, something else was developed: friendship.

“I think the fashion is the sidebar,” Horwitz said. “I think it’s really about the relationship between those four women and how they experience it and how they share it with each other. So between the making of friendship, sharing the project and helping each other knit, it was the camaraderie of the project that was so exciting.”

Newport Beach resident Golda Imbernino, who picked the color green for her scarf, said no one knows how fun it was to be part of the “Sex and the Knitty” project.

“You don’t know how fun it is to sit here and have the camaraderie of people doing the same thing and experience the pure joy of the moment,” she said.

As she watches the movie, Horwitz said she’s sure going to be looking for fashionable pieces featured in the movie to make with her knitting girls.
