
Letters to the Editor: Capt. Crozier is a hero. The administration that fired and insulted him, not so much

To the editor: Like many, I agonized over the plight of the 4,000 sailors aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier. My eyes welled with tears listening to the sailors cheer for Capt. Brett Crozier as he disembarked the ship for the last time, an overwhelming show of support for their leader who was relieved of his command after issuing a stark warning about a COVID-19 outbreak.

My concern and pride quickly turned to anger at the top brass and an administration more concerned about their own embarrassment than the well-being of Crozier’s crew.

I was reminded of a letter written Aug. 21, 1944, by my grandfather-in-law on the occasion of his 20-year-old son’s departure to serve in World War II as a pilot. He wrote: “You will probably come home bedecked with a lot of medals and ribbons. But they are only junk to be stowed away in the bureau drawer and handed down to your grandchildren. The most valuable treasure that you will bring back with you will be the respect and affection of those with whom you serve, the friendship and good fellowship of real men.”


Crozier has come home with valuable treasure indeed while we as a country have lost mightily.

Carol P. Sanborn, Pacific Palisades


To the editor: For an appointed official to address the crew of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, whose commander put his career on the line for their safety, in the manner that former acting Navy Secretary Thomas Modly did, is both stupid and naive.

I have no doubt every sailor, hundreds of whom have COVID-19, would have much harsher words for Modly, whose demean-and-deflect approach is right out of President Trump’s playbook.


Kudos to Crozier for protecting those who put their lives on the line to protect us.

Jason Shokrian, Studio City
