
Readers React: The 2016 presidential race is the best reality show on TV

Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina speaks to a group of people at the Oklahoma Independent Petroleum Association in Oklahoma City on Sept. 29.

Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina speaks to a group of people at the Oklahoma Independent Petroleum Association in Oklahoma City on Sept. 29.

(Sue Ogrocki / Associated Press)

To the editor: Kudos to Meghan Daum for writing what many of us know but unfortunately too many gullible voters fail to believe. (“A presidential race as reality TV,” Opinion, Oct. 1)

If presidential hopefuls such as Carly Fiorina can so easily distort the facts, then why should voters entrust her to become president of the greatest nation in the world?

Judy R. Martin, Los Angeles


To the editor: As I get older and the political landscape gets sadder, I’m trying to follow my wife’s advice to see the good in any situation.


So I’m celebrating a new milestone for our society in Fiorina’s run for the presidency: She’s proved that at least one woman can be as much a demagogue as any of her male competitors. Since this crowd includes Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and (formerly, thank goodness) Scott Walker, her achievement is, well, egregious.

T.G. Krontiris, Pasadena

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