
Readers React: The state of ‘Crazytown’ — er, our union

Demonstrators protest President Trump outside the White House on Aug. 27.
(Mandel Ngan / AFP/Getty Images)

To the editor: Paddy Chayefsky and Rod Serling in concert could not have written a story approaching President Trump’s implosion.

A “businessman” whose companies have filed for bankruptcy six times, with the resulting notoriety enabling him to host a TV game show; a president who came to power by the electoral college despite getting nearly 3 million fewer votes than his opponent; a leader who has fired or lost staff, senior Pentagon officials, a secretary of State, an FBI director and deputy director, and the acting U.S. attorney general; someone who stokes bigotry, misogyny and xenophobia; a commander in chief who questioned a war hero’s standing because he was captured; someone who accuses every news organization on Earth (except one) of reporting “fake news”; and an embattled president who cannot find a single A-list attorney in the entire nation willing to defend him beyond serving as a TV lawyer.

We are a nation held hostage by one man’s paranoia and insecurity.

Mike Scott, Lafayette, Calif.


To the editor: As a longtime Los Angeles Times subscriber, I have become increasingly frustrated and disappointed in your paper’s coverage of politics. You have moved very far left and have lost some journalistic integrity.


You criticize, condemn and demean much of what the Trump administration does. I believe the president is a terrible man, but he was elected, as the American people wanted a change. And they got one.

Still, look at all the good things this administration has done: strong financial markets, a roaring economy, lower taxes, very low unemployment, strong investment trends and much more.

Mark Buchman, Los Angeles


To the editor: When Woodrow Wilson suffered a stroke, Wilson’s wife enabled the administration to continue. As a Democrat, I feel that was both wrong and dangerous.


The anonymous author of the New York Times piece is an enabler. In Wilson’s time, there was no constitutional remedy; today there is, and it’s the 25th Amendment.

Attachment to policy is no excuse for this. If officials feel the need to protect Trump from himself and the country from him, it is incumbent upon them to act and Congress should act with them. The word of these officials should carry more weight, as they are Republicans.

This is not about nullifying an election. If that’s the argument, then both the 25th Amendment and impeachment should be written out of the Constitution.


It’s about protecting the nation.

Michael Solomon, Canoga Park

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