
Readers React: The vagaries of college admissions

To the editor: All colleges in America should be delighted to admit a student who writes as skillfully and creatively as Haskell Flender. (“What happens when your college crush won’t commit?,” Op-Ed, Dec. 26)

Unfortunately, colleges’ early-decision policies, originally designed to simplify the lives of students who knew which schools they really wanted to attend, have deteriorated into competitive rating games that place even more pressure on high school seniors.

It may be time for these pre-selection rituals to be de-selected.

Sandra Glass, Pomona


To the editor: I read the laugh-out-loud sendup from Flender, a Crossroads High senior with college applications submitted and pending who got wait-listed at his No. 1 choice, only to start playing the field and giving his second-choice colleges a second look.


I have four words for The Times’ opinion editors: More Haskell Flender, please.

Kathi Smith, Ojai

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