
Readers React: Gov. Brown’s wealth is in experience, not money

To the editor: Gov. Jerry Brown’s political life has not been dictated by the kind of wealth his Republican opponent Neel Kashkari is talking about. Brown’s wealth is what he learned, and has lived by, from when he attended Sacred Heart Novitiate, a Jesuit seminary, when he intended to become a priest. (“Jerry Brown, Neel Kashkari trade attacks over personal wealth,” Oct. 13)

Brown has learned the value of frugality, which has saved California twice in different decades from fiscal disaster. Both actor-governors he replaced came to Sacramento with sizable bank accounts of their own and proceeded to leave taxpayers worse off than when they started.

Brown’s worth has served California well.

Ken Johnson, Piñon Hills


To the editor: You do your readers a disservice by obsessing on the campaign rhetoric of Brown and Kashkari regarding their wealth. This is not what voters need to judge the candidates.


The real issues that voters care about are immigration, gun control, taxes, and the environment. How does Brown justify the billions he wants to spend on high-speed rail? What does Kashkari think we should do about the looming drought crisis? Where do they stand on public employee unions and teacher tenure?

There are lots of substantive issues that need to be addressed by our state government. Instead of this piece, why don’t you do detailed comparative analyses of their positions on important issues along with critical commentary?

In other words, instead of this, do what journalists are supposed to do.

Bert Bigelow, Orange


To the editor: So both Brown and Kashkari are rich. Big deal.

What about the issues that matter to the voters of California?

Ilene Karpman, Woodland Hills

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