
Readers React: U2’s Edge should build his dream mansion in Ireland

To the editor: At the risk of seeming “edgy,” I am furious about the compound to be built by U2 guitarist the Edge that the Costal Commission’s staff has recommended. (“Commission delays vote on U2 rocker’s proposed Malibu compound,” Oct. 8)

As a vast number of Americans live at the edge (or below) poverty, this guy is an immigrant poster child for the arrogance and excess of the 1%. Get rich, and U2 can have all of the sandbox — or better yet, the bluffs above.

Edge should take his project to the pristine bluffs of his own Irish homeland. It would be a beautiful day if the Coastal Commission were to reject the staff’s recommendation, but sadly I do not hold out hope for that.


Loren Mark, Los Angeles

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