
Readers React: Religious fervor goes way too far

Cows roam freely through the streets of India. The animal is sacred to Hindus, who form the majority of the population.

Cows roam freely through the streets of India. The animal is sacred to Hindus, who form the majority of the population.

(Bernat Armangue / Associated Press)

To the editor: I am disgusted by the sectarian violence worldwide. (“Mob in India kills a Muslim accused of eating beef,” Oct. 1)The slaying of a Muslim father and the severe beating of his son by Hindus in India is particularly egregious. Because they allegedly ate beef, as is allowed in their religion? Why a human life is less sacred than cows is a distinction beyond my comprehension.

Lloyd A. Dent, Northridge


To the editor: I am once again appalled, not by a mob killing someone for eating beef but by the religious fervor that drives this horrific behavior. When was the last time you heard of a mob of atheists killing anybody? Yes, the fervent screams continue here in our own country about religious liberty and the terrible consequences of political correctness.

When did religion of any kind demand the killing of thy neighbor or to relinquish decency and compassion in favor of rudeness and coarseness in the way one conducts oneself toward another?


Anthony Lawrence, Woodland Hills

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