
Readers React: Huckabee’s inflammatory rhetoric on religious persecution

To the editor: Mike Huckabee says Christianity is under attack and that Christians could be jailed. This is not so. Non-Christians do not, as a rule, want to put Christians in jail; they just want some elbow room at the table of freedom. (“Mike Huckabee’s rhetoric of religious victimization,” op-ed, May 30)

The government is not making laws limiting the practice of Christianity. There is progress in making our society a little more democratic; rights granted to us are finally being given to all Americans. Acceptance and tolerance are things Christians preach so often — we are to do for all our neighbors as we would do for ourselves.

On a long flight recently, the plane’s lavatory was the smallest I had ever used. I felt victimized. Later I read about French women sent to Nazi concentration camps; their “toilet” was a muddy trench filled with excrement. I thought to myself, “Never mind.”


Put it in perspective, Governor.

James Severtson, Reseda


To the editor: Huckabee’s religious fervor has caused significant problems. As governor of Arkansas, despite major warnings, he worked to get two hardened criminals released from prison. Each said they had turned to religion. Within short order, four young police officers were killed and a woman was raped and killed.

Huckabee would have an intrusive government prevent the right to abortion even in cases of rape and incest. He has actually talked about women controlling their libido.

As a military veteran, I cringed when Huckabee told men and women not to serve while President Obama was in office. As a physician, I cringed when Huckabee used his notoriety to promote essentially a snake oil to treat diabetes.


In no way is this man presidential material.

Murray Margolis, Dana Point

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