
Readers React: Cops deserve fair, accurate reporting too

To the editor: In the service of fairness to the Los Angeles Police Department and accuracy, would it be too much to ask that the word “combative” be included in the opening narrative when describing the unfortunate shooting on skid row of Charly Leundeu Keunang? (“Man killed by police on L.A.’s skid row had studied physics, wanted to be actor,” March 30)

Too often in articles on this incident, the deceased is initially identified only as “unarmed.” This particular article also adds “homeless.” The suspect fought with uniformed officers, actions that were conclusively shown in the video.

Keunang being unarmed and homeless did not prompt the use of deadly force or cost the man his life. That started with his choice to fight with uniformed officers.


If that decision was the result of mental illness, and this tragedy is about the care unavailable for such an affliction, then fault the system. But to continually cast the LAPD in a bad light is an injustice in its own right.

Glenn Toth, Playa del Rey

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