
Readers React: Internet providers’ ‘natural monopolies’

Re “Neutral net may be a lost cause,” April 25

The latest discussion about Net neutrality addresses only half of the Internet access issue.

In simple terms, the Internet consists of two parts: the content (such as Netflix, Amazon and Facebook) and the delivery systems. The ongoing discussion is about the ability to access content. We need to talk about the delivery systems.


There are inherently a limited number of delivery systems, as they are very difficult to build. As a result, they each have an enormous amount of power over consumers and their ability to access the content on the Internet. They fall into a category called “natural monopolies.”

Historically, natural monopolies were heavily regulated by the government. This isn’t so for the Internet, resulting in much higher prices and lower standards of service here than in the rest of the industrialized world.

We are long overdue for a debate about delivery systems.

Mitchel Kadish



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