
Letters: The NRA’s big lie about guns

Re “Gun madness in Georgia,” Editorial, March 27

The National Rifle Assn. flourishes because people believe the big lie that there are good people with guns and bad people with guns.

No. There are only people with guns. When gun-toters get angry, greedy, frightened or psychotic, they shoot other people. Mix dense populations with easy gun access, and innocent people will be maimed and killed by bullets. That’s inevitable.

Apparently no body count is high enough to stop the insanity. I just pray that I, and people I care about, can make it to the end of our lives without being shot.


Bonnie Sloane

Los Angeles

Your editorial about gun regulations in Georgia is loaded with hysteria and hyperbole that would make even the NRA proud.

You are dismayed that more citizens are supporting gun ownership rights. Your argument for stricter controls is perfect proof of the wisdom of the Constitution: protecting me from you.

Frederic Jackson


Suppose I’m legally carrying a concealed gun at a business when armed robbers show up. Fearing for my life, I just want to get out of the store, but the front door is the only way out.


Let’s assume I can’t tell who is whom by how they’re dressed. How will I know which of these gunfighters to shoot as I try to get through the doors to safety? Should I just kill anyone between the door and me? Will any police officers who arrive know that I am not one of the robbers? Suppose an undercover officer “looks like” a robber and I shoot him, thinking I’m a “good guy with a gun” taking care of a “bad guy with a gun.” What do I tell their families? “My bad”?

Jan Miller



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