
Letters to the Editor: Nothing compared to Sinéad O’Connor — if only we’d shown her that in her lifetime

Sinead O'Connor photographed in 1988, as seen in "Nothing Compares," directed by Kathryn Ferguson.
(Andrew Catlin / Showtime)

To the editor: The death of politically and artistically visionary singer-songwriter Sinéad O’Connor rightly received front-page treatment in The Times, as well as thoughtful appreciations. O’Connor deserves these commemorations, as well as the countless tributes — by celebrities, fellow musicians and ordinary folks — currently flooding social media.

Yet, until the news of her passing broke, O’Connor continued to be mocked, reviled or simply ignored as a scandal-plagued, mentally unstable has-been.

I wonder what this astonishingly original artist and prescient social justice warrior, who could also brandish a pretty cutting sense of humor, would make of this (belated) outpouring. “SHE WAS RIGHT” declares one of your headlines — yes, in all caps.


How many of us bothered to acknowledge this during her lifetime?

Teddi Chichester, South Pasadena


To the editor: After Sinead O’Connor publicly attacked Pope John Paul in 1992 for concealing clergy sexual abuses, hers was a long and lonely path from vilification to vindication. But ultimately, of course, it became clear she was not only brave but also right.

Let this be a lesson to every celebrity who has a prominent platform: Stand up for what’s right, no matter what the risk or cost. And know that if you’re on the side of the victimized and vulnerable, both they and you will be validated.

Jeff Anderson, St. Paul, Minn.
