
Letters: City Hall and schools

Re “A city agenda for schools,” Opinion, May 15

Los Angeles Board of Education member Bennett Kayser is right about city officials having no direct influence on public schools. Unfortunately, the public is apparently unaware of this.

However, in comparing the Los Angeles Unified School District with the relationship between San Francisco’s school system and city government, Kayser forgets a major difference: L.A. Unified serves students from other cities as well as Los Angeles, whereas the San Francisco Unified School District supplies school service only to the city and county of San Francisco.


Kayser praises San Francisco for largely funding police services at district schools; by contrast, budget constraints in the small cities outside Los Angeles whose children attend L.A. Unified schools have an impact on those cities’ police forces.

These shortcomings notwithstanding, Kayser’s proposed education agenda should be on the table for local city governments and the school board.

Sue Kamm

Los Angeles


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