
Letters: Pope’s message well taken

Re “Pope on gays: ‘Who am I to judge?,’” July 30, and “Pope chastises Brazil church for ‘exodus,’” July 28

As Catholics, we believe that God told St. Francis to “repair my house.” He mistakenly thought that he was being told to restore churches in disrepair, which he set about doing. Later he would realize that his mission in life was to rebuild the Roman Catholic Church.

And so, we are all praying that our new pope, Pope Francis, will now rebuild our Catholic Church throughout the world.


We are looking forward to his clearing out the corruption in the Vatican, bringing an end to all of the sex-abuse scandals, healing our church and creating a church focused on the needs and concerns of its people.

This is a tall order but one that Francis has already proposed to do with actions and not just words.

Mary Cosgrove Nash


Finally we have a pope that cares about the poor and the marginalized like Jesus did.

Francis was critical of the church’s failure to stop members from leaving the church because of rigid rules and intellectualism.


The pope’s message was successful in Brazil. This indeed means he has the authority and the legitimacy to carry through reforms.

With Francis as pope, I just might consider going to Mass again.

Alba Farfaglia

San Clemente


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