
Letters: Irvine’s not-so-great park

Great Park designer Ken Smith envisioned the 1,300-acre former military base as a gathering spot for Orange County, rivaling New York's Central Park.
Great Park designer Ken Smith envisioned the 1,300-acre former military base as a gathering spot for Orange County, rivaling New York’s Central Park.
(Mark Boster / Los Angeles Times)

Re “A much-lesser Great Park?,” Nov. 13

How tragic that Irvine, one of the wealthiest cities in one of the most prosperous counties in the nation, somehow now can’t afford to build the Great Park.

But was there ever much doubt where this would end up? In a place where it is said the only difference between developers and politicians is the size of their paychecks, park designer Ken Smith likely just didn’t comprehend all the forces at work.

With Orange County largely built-out, development pressures are at a boil. And the same forces are working to slather metastatic, high-profit tract developments, apartment complexes and golf courses throughout our pristine recreational eastern canyons and our other rural areas.


Orange County residents need to realize and act on what’s happening, before everywhere in their county is forever turned into everywhere else.

Steven Duff


I knew from the beginning that the Great Park in Irvine would turn into a great flop. Irvine’s City Council rushed into this plan too quickly, and I followed the story as Smith and his associates were paid millions.

What did we get? An ugly orange balloon and more congestion from the thousands of cars placed on our overcrowded freeways due to housing development.


The people of Orange County made a huge mistake. An international airport at the site of the former Marine Corps air station would have increased tourism and placed Orange County on the map as a true tourist destination instead of somewhere to go after visiting L.A.

I have not visited the great flop, nor do I ever plan to.

Dave Perez


Is anyone surprised that Irvine’s Great Park is shrinking and being replaced with housing? The Great Park was never anything more than a red herring, and everyone knew it.

Thomas Butterworth



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