
Letters: Chris Christie vs. Tesla

Re “The car dealers’ racket,” Opinion, March 17

So New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie endorsed a decision last week by the Motor Vehicle Commission to “protect consumers” and effectively kick Tesla out of the state by prohibiting it from selling its electric vehicles directly to consumers.

It appears, however, that the Christie administration is actually protecting long-established dealership monopolies.

Christie recently huffed, “We have an opportunity problem in this country because government is trying to control the free market.” What is Christie doing if not trying to control the free market?


Another Christie talking point: “We need to talk about the fact that we’re for a free-market society that allows your effort and your ingenuity to determine your success; not the cold, hard hand of government determining winners and losers.”

I challenge Christie to come up with a better example of the free market at work than Tesla Motors, the first successful new American car company in more than half a century.

Linda Nicholes

Huntington Beach


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