
Letters: Up the ante on tipping servers

Re “Most diners are stingy tippers,” Business, March 11

I write to inform the fine diners of the United States that the wait staff that is so attentive to their needs is greatly underpaid.

We are polite, and we bring extras that often do not go with a diner’s order. Beyond that, being a waiter in a restaurant is a complex and demanding job. It takes physical strength, great patience, an excellent memory and really good balance.

We need and deserve a worthy tip from diners, because for our work federal law guarantees us a sub-minimum wage: An employer of a tipped worker is required to pay only $2.13 an hour in direct wages if that amount plus tips received equals the federal minimum wage.


Waiting tables used to be the best job a person without a degree or a good skill could have and make a good living. I am sorry to read that good service is not appreciated by many Americans.

Rosella A. Alm

West Covina


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