
Letters: Questions for the next UC student regent

Re “The next student regent,” Editorial, July 19

“Oh, for goodness’ sake, will this never stop?” This was how The Times’ editorial characterized the fears of many in the Jewish community regarding the selection of the next student regent of the University of California system, a student leader with a history of leadership on and support for anti-Israel measures.

Would The Times’ reaction be the same for a candidate who had expressed anti-gay marriage sentiments or did not support diversity at UC?


President Obama said that it’s impossible to overlook black history as it relates to the tragedy of Trayvon Martin. Should Jews and supporters of Israel be asked to forget about their history of oppression or the Holocaust?

The Board of Regents overwhelmingly voted to confirm Sadia Saifuddin, the first Muslim student regent in UC history. Though I did not, I congratulate her on this historic appointment.

But for The Times to criticize expressed fears as if they are trivial is not worthy of a great newspaper.


Norman Pattiz

Beverly Hills

The writer is a UC regent. The views expressed here are his own.

Thank you so much for your editorial. It is critical that we stand up against suppression of thought and speech.

Those who espouse views like Saifuddin’s and call for public scrutiny of Israeli injustices are treated as if they have committed hate crimes against Jews. This is an embarrassment to Judaism and to our democratic principles.

Shame on the Simon Wiesenthal Center, supposedly an advocate of tolerance, for its betrayal of that concept.


Larry and Lynn George

Roseville, Calif.


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