
Letters: Religion’s blinders

Re “Miracle or coincidence?,” Postscript, July 13

Lawrence R. Krauss says that a major problem with miracles is that they condition you to believe in faith over science. I couldn’t agree more. Moreover, I can speak to the hostility of religion toward science.

I teach a philosophy course at a local community college. We discuss metaphysics, free will, the arguments for the existence of God, the scientific method, evolution, epistemology and various ethical theories.


Many of my students are downright hostile toward evolution. They are absolutely sure that evolution is incorrect and that their religion is the one true religion. They have shown to me, however, that they know nothing about evolution, their own religion or any other religion.

The true problem with religion is that it is so sure of something that it knows nothing about. If these are the tidings of the future, then we have a lot to worry about.

Dale Hull

San Diego


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