
Letters: Not falling for these scams

Re “Grandparents beware: Summer is scam season,” Column, July 5

Ages ago, I became aware of the scam described in David Lazarus’ column.

Over the years, I have received emails from friends and relatives in exotic places across the globe. They’re broke, they’re injured, they’re jailed, their travel documents have been stolen, seized, burned or lost. Of course, all the attendant pleas for cash were bogus, meant only to lighten my wallet and line crooks’ coffers.

The most recent incident, a phone call from a “nephew,” was a stellar performance of a tale of woe piled high with one melodramatic scenario on top of another. However, two problems were present: My Southern California-born nephew had developed a strong, unmistakable regional accent (think the movie “Fargo”) and was unable to name the beloved grandfather who participated in rearing him.


Thanks to Lazarus for an important heads-up.

Glen W. Redman

Los Angeles


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