
Letters: Remembering fallen warriors

Re “Mothers aid military in the names of their fallen sons,” Column, March 24

Thanks to Steve Lopez for highlighting the work of two wonderful Gold Star mothers who work in the name of their sons’ service and ultimate sacrifice. The Iraq war may have ended the lives of Army Spc. Trevor A. Win’E and Army Spc. Justin W. Pollard, but they live on through the memories of their mothers.

However, I also want to point out the service of six other young people whose brief obituaries were buried deep inside the Sunday paper: James E. Groves III (37), Zachary L. Shannon (21), Steven P. Blass (27); Bryan J. Henderson (27); Sara M. Knutson (27) and Marc A. Scialdo (31). They all have mothers, and they each have their own story. I miss them even though I never met them.


God bless them and their families. Let us never forget.

Gail Johnson Roth

Los Angeles

The writer’s son, Army Spc. Daniel Patrick Cagle, was killed in action in Iraq on May 23, 2007.

Lopez missed the chance to give readers an etiquette lesson when dealing with family members of the fallen.

It is rude to express your political opinion, uninvited, to these folks. Their children volunteered to serve the country, not to serve George W. Bush or Barack Obama. They went in our stead. If your child is home today, give thanks that there are others willing to sacrifice their youth for military service.


Political fallout after the Vietnam War created today’s all-volunteer military. Like it or not, that is the system we have.

When you meet a Gold Star parent, thank her for her child’s service and acknowledge her loss and pain. When you meet a veteran, thank him or her for their service. And keep your politics to yourself.

Bruce Scott


The writer is an Army veteran who served in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.


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