
Letters: The ‘significance’ of voter fraud

Re “Protect Arizona voting rights,” Editorial, March 20

The people of Arizona approved a law requiring evidence of citizenship to vote. They are the ones suffering the worst effects of illegal immigration, not those of us in California.

You note that the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals concluded that voter fraud in Arizona is not a “significant” problem. Must it be “significant” to do something about it? There should be no voter fraud at all. And who today in this country does not have a Social Security card or some form of photo identification? Even babies have Social Security cards.


You say the Supreme Court should strike down the Arizona law, and in the past, you have complained about low voter turnouts. People become disillusioned when courts overturn their votes.

Lea Osborne

Woodland Hills

Your editorial rightly condemns Arizona for imposing unnecessary and burdensome identity requirements on lawful voters. My only quarrel is with you characterizing concern over voter fraud as “exaggerated.” You should have instead referred to the “imaginary” concern.

There is nothing to exaggerate, as Arizona Republicans could not cite even a single instance of voter impersonation fraud to justify their draconian and unconstitutional efforts to suppress minority voting.


Tom McGrath

Los Angeles


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