
Letters: A tale of two Catholic leaders

Re “Gomez, Mahony are a study in contrasting styles,” Feb. 17

Cardinal Roger M. Mahony was a media darling because of his social activism. Now the new guy, L.A. Archbishop Jose Gomez, wants to go quietly about the business of restoring respect for the institution Mahony disgraced. This is news?

Gomez has a different approach. For kids’ sake, let’s hope so.

Mahony was most vocal about immigration when the priest abuse scandal was really coming to light. So do Gomez a favor and let him work quietly; we don’t need another superstar bishop.


Geoffrey Cushing-Murray

Studio City

Re “Mahony to face lawyer in abuse case,” Feb. 16

I am puzzled by Mahony’s comments in response to those upset by priest sex abuse.

He wrote on his blog: “I could understand the depth of their anger and outrage — at me, at the church, at … injustices that swirl around us.”

So far so good. But then he adds that his response has been to simply stand there and ask for forgiveness. For himself? For the Roman Catholic Church? No, for the “very unhappy people” who have confronted him about the scandal.


Marilyn Russell

Los Angeles


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