
Man stabbed on Metro Red Line train is in grave condition

A passenger aboard a Metro Red Line train was rushed to a hospital Monday morning in grave condition after he was stabbed in an altercation with another rider, officials said.

The incident occurred about 9:18 a.m. and the train stopped at the Vermont/Santa Monica Station, where they were met by emergency crews, said Metro spokesman Marc Littman.

The station was closed for about two hours and reopened after 11 a.m.

It was unclear if police have any leads on the assailant.

Los Angeles Fire Department spokeswoman Katherine Main said the victim, who was not immediately identified, was listed in grave condition.


Littman said the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department is investigating the stabbing and added that “the incidence of serious crimes aboard the Metro rail system is very low, about 0.30 per 100,000 boardings.”

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