
Preventive measures save lives

Medical science has shown that certain preventive measures save lives -- but, for various reasons, not everyone takes these measures.If 90% of Americans received just five preventive measures, more than 100,000 lives each year in the United States lf could be saved, according to a new study.

Below are the five measures, the percentages of Americans who practice/receive them today, and the lives that would be saved if that percentage were raised to 90%.

•ƒ|A daily preventive aspirin for adults (40%): 45,000 lives.

•ƒ|Professional advice and support on quitting for smokers (28%): 42,000 lives.

•ƒ|Recommended screenings for colorectal cancer in adults aged 50 and older (48%): 14,000.

•ƒ|Annual flu shots for adults age 50 and older (37%): 12,000.

•ƒ|Breast cancer screening every two years for women aged 40 and older (67%): 4,000.

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Partnership for Prevention. Aug. 7, 2007.


-- Shari Roan
