
Weather Channel sends ‘Fat Guys in the Woods’

The Weather Channel’s latest reality series isn’t about killer storms or mountains of snow, it’s about average, out-of-shape guys in the elements. The title isn’t even trying to be too clever about it: “Fat Guys in the Woods.”

In case you’re still unclear about what you’ll be seeing when the series premieres Aug. 10, each week three couch potato-y gentlemen will be taken out to a remote location in the Appalachian wilderness of eastern Tennessee and taught survival skills to make it a week without the comforts of their Barcaloungers.

The three “fat guys” will be escorted by author and ruggedly good-looking survival expert Creek Stewart, who will no doubt need to perform at the peak of his abilities to keep his students from having something awful happen to them.


The series, which was filmed during the extremely cold and snowy recent winter, will air eight episodes paired with the Weather Channel’s competition reality series “So You Think You’d Survive.”

Back in April, the Weather Channel ended a months-long carriage dispute with DirecTV and agreed to reduce the amount of reality programming it aired.

“Fat Guys in the Woods” will join such current and upcoming programming as “Catching Hell,” “Cold Water Captains,” “Hurricane 360,” “American Super/Natural” and returning series “Strangest Weather on Earth,” “Prospectors,” “Highway Thru Hell” and “Why Planes Crash.”


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