
Mike Myers back before the cameras on ‘The Tonight Show’

Mike Myers has kept a relatively low profile the past few years. He hasn’t starred in a movie since “The Love Guru” in 2008 and hasn’t appeared in a film since a heavily disguised supporting role in “Inglourious Basterds” in 2009. Other that that, it’s been nothing but “Shrek” voices. But on Thursday, the comedy legend popped up on camera once again on “The Tonight Show” to promote his new documentary, “Supermensch: The Legend of Shep Gordon.”

While he hasn’t been doing much acting lately, he’s apparently been using his time to stretch other muscles, like parenting two children, directing a documentary about Alice Cooper’s longtime manager or getting his face on a Canadian stamp. OK, that last one took no effort on his part.

But according to Jimmy Fallon, Myers has actually been starring in some made-for-TV movies with him lately, including the unforgettable “Gerbil-Cano.” And yes, Fallon brought the posters as proof.


Myers revealed he first crossed paths with Gordon when the comic actor approached him to secure some Alice Cooper songs to use in “Wayne’s World,” Myers’ first movie, which he co-wrote and starred in. Since then, the two men have become friends.

As for Myers’ future acting? Perhaps that fake poster for “The Longest Hug,” starring Myers and Fallon as “conjoined twins at the pancreas,” according to Myers, will actually get some creative juices flowing in Hollywood.
