
Coachella 2015 set times have arrived

Let the agony of conflicts commence: Coachella and Goldenvoice have announced the set times for this year's festival.

Set times for Friday's lineup at Coachella 2015.

Actually, at first glance, it looks as though organizers have done a decent job of avoiding crowd cannibalization, which means both that fans don't have to make major sacrifices (we haven't forgotten the Great Nas/Jimmy Eat World Decision of Coachella 2011, have you?) and performing artists don't have to worry — as long as they're good enough to draw the crowd in the first place, at any rate.


That said, there are red stress flags: Azealia Banks (5-5:45 p.m.) and Kieza (4:55-5:40 p.m.) on Friday. Marina and the Diamonds (5:45-6:35 p.m.) and Jenny Lewis (5:35-6:25 p.m.) on Sunday. FKA twigs (9:35-10:25 p.m.) and headliner Jack White (9:15-11 p.m.) on Saturday.

So basically, if you want to see any of the (painfully few) women on the Coachella bill perform this weekend or next, better start planning.

Did we overlook one? Let us know on Twitter. For more of the latest Coachella and other music news, follow Devon Maloney @dynamofire.
