
Porn star Ron Jeremy on the mend after aneurysm scare

Porn star Ron Jeremy wants the world to know he’s alive and well following two surgeries last week for an aneurysm near his heart.

“Thank you ALL for the concern & well wishes,” he told the Ministry through his rep on Wednesday. “I’m doing very well thanks to modern technology!”

His rep said Jeremy is alert, cracking jokes and “touched and delighted” by the outpouring of support from fans. He’s still in the ICU but is “awake and on the road to recovery, in spite of this ordeal,” according to his Twitter feed.


The surgeries were nothing to smile about. “It was an eight-hour procedure to begin with, and then there was some bleeding around his valves, so they had to go in for a second time to stop the bleeding,” Arnold Hyatt, Jeremy’s dad, told the New York Daily News last week.

Jeremy drove himself to the hospital about a week ago after suffering severe chest pains. Doctors then found an aneurysm near his heart.

The 59-year-old actor, known as “the Hedgehog,” has starred in hundreds of porn features, according to AVN, and has also done cameos in a few mainstream films. He has a masters degree from Queens College and taught special ed in the 1970s before getting into porn.



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