
Pageant of the Masters in Laguna Beach


The Festival of the Arts’ annual Pageant of the Masters is back for another season. This time the theme is “genius,” and as usual it features 90 minutes of “living pictures.” These are detailed recreations of classical and contemporary works of art using humans posing in tableaux identical to the original pieces. A professional orchestra, original score and live narration accompany this breathtaking feat of living design. 650 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach, 8:30 p.m., nightly. Sat. to Aug. 31. Prices start at $15. (949) 494-1145;

For the Record: In the weekend picks section of Thursday Calendar, this item on Pageant of the Masters listed admission prices ranging from $4 to $10. In fact tickets cost from $15 to $212, with select discounts available online for the opening week at
