
Gulf oil spill, by the numbers

205.8 million gallons of oil spilled.

33.6 million gallons of oil recovered by BP ships.

10.35 mllion feet of booms deployed.

11.14 million gallons of oil removed in controlled burns.

1.84 million gallons of chemical dispersants used.

11 oil rig workers killed.

5,939 dead birds collected.*

584 dead sea turtles collected.*

92 dead dolphins collected.*

2 dead whales collected.*

411 controlled burns.

966 miles of shoreline hit by oil at peak.

7,000 response vessels at peak.

47,416 response workers at peak

88,522 peak area of federal waters, in square miles, closed to fishing.

$552.5 million BP payments to claimants, so far.

$8 billion BP costs, so far.

Source: Times research

* Animals collected as of Sept. 14.
