
Happening Monday


Knot-Tying Workshop Tim Phillips will unravel the mysteries of hitches, lashes, loops and coils. This workshop is held in conjunction with Machine Project’s exhibition of the “Sea Nymph,” a striking installation replicating a ship sinking in the middle of the gallery. Advance registration is recommended. Machine Project, 1200 N. Alvarado, L.A. 7 p.m. $35. (213) 483-8761.


Mother of Invention L.A. Talk Radio’s Film Courage Interactive Film series presents a feature mockumentary about Vincent Dooly, a cluelessly aspiring inventor who perseveres despite the fact he’s never made anything that’s worked. Film Courage’s David Branin and Karen Worden host the screening at the Downtown Independent Theater. Downtown Independent, 251 S. Main St. $10. 7 p.m. (213) 617-1033.

The Maltese Falcon The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences concludes its summerlong festival of film noir with a presentation of John Huston’s adaptation of Dashiell Hammett’s hardboiled crime classic. The Oscar-nominated screenplay was brought to life by iconic actors Humphrey Bogart, Mary Astor, Sydney Greenstreet and Peter Lorre. The Samuel Goldwyn Theater, 8949 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills. 7 p.m. $5. (310) 247-3600.



Robert Scheer The writer and commentator, known for his site and for holding up the left end of “Left Right & Center,” discusses his new work, “The Great American Stickup,” proposing that the latest financial crisis wasn’t a convergence of random events but a natural byproduct of right-wing economic policies. Vroman’s, 695 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena. 7 p.m. Free.
