
STD app for self-testing being developed in Britain

STD app for self-testing being developed in Britain

An STD app in the works may be a discreet way to diagnose diseases via mobile devices and computers — and curb the spread of STDs, particularly in young people.

But whether it can overcome the cringe factor that STD testing generally evokes remains to be seen. Check out college kids’ reactions to the app in this KIAH-TV report.

OK, maybe DIY saliva and urine tests are a little off-putting, but STDs are on the rise in the U.S., with almost half of new cases among those 15 to 24 years old, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports.


And maybe, with the STD app being developed in Britain, texting will give way to testing. Here’s a description in the Guardian of how the self-testing app would work.
