
Happening Friday


Dengue Fever The psychedelic rockers with Cambodian flair will provide a live score to the 1925 stop-motion science fiction classic “The Lost World,” based on Arthur Conan Doyle’s enduring novel. The six-piece’s infectious grooves will set a whimsical tone for the onscreen action, which features showdowns between a menagerie of dinosaurs and mythical beasts. Royce Hall, 405 Hilgard Ave., UCLA. 8 p.m. $33, $43, $58. (310) 825-2101.

Mayer Hawthorne The Ann Arbor, Mich., native and current L.A. resident delivered a well-honed debut album of sleek, wry neo-soul, “A Strange Arrangement,” on L.A. indie imprint Stones Throw Records. Mixing such up-tempo pop numbers as “Maybe So, Maybe No” with falsetto-powered ballads such as “I Wish It Would Rain,” Hawthorne is an able vocalist and a dapper performer to boot. The Music Box, 6126 Hollywood Blvd., L.A. 9 p.m. $20.


Matt Taibbi The iconoclastic Rolling Stone contributing editor, who famously likened Goldman Sachs to “a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity,” will discuss and sign his new book, “Griftopia,” a provocative exploration of the financial meltdown and its fallout. He will be joined by Nomi Prins, a former Wall Street executive turned muckraker. Musician Michael Penn will also perform. Largo at the Coronet, 366 N. La Cienega Blvd., L.A. 8 p.m. $30 ($50 including book). (310) 621-4659.



L.A. Tamale Throwdown Whether ensconced in a banana leaf or corn husk; full of pork or sweet corn; the tamale is probably the second-most-canonical foodstuff in L.A. (behind our beloved street-cart taco, naturally). At the L.A. Tamale Throwdown, vendors representing regions across Mexico will ply their wares and win you over with recipes gleaned from generations of abuelitas who surely knew best. Our Lady of Guadalupe Church Rose Hills, 4255 Browne Ave., L.A. 3 p.m. Today-Sat. Free.
